Sunday, January 17, 2016

Some more of Rachel's hilarious remarks

On Shabbat about a week ago, we were talking about the kids' first day back at Hebrew school Jan. 10, when they got to wear pajamas and eat bagels and other breakfast food that the parents (including me) would serve them. Rachel said how cool that was and then added, "In yo FACE, Christians!" We had to crack up at that.


We were talking this week about all the places Sydney has been -- her mom likes to travel, so she's been to London, Portugal, and a couple of other places. "I'd like to go Europe before I'm 8." Rachel said. "Which will not happen." True dat.


Drew still gives Rachel a bath twice a week, and the other night she decided that she is the Duchess of Glitterville, and he is her servant, Jack Pinkie. She found him in an orphanage and brought him out for a life of servitude to her.

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