Sunday, January 31, 2016

Quiet Saturday

Yesterday was rather quiet: Rachel worked on her book project, I did some things in the office, then we headed out at 1:30 p.m. to visit Uncle Dan at 2. We all had a great visit -- Dan told us about the book that his book-club group is reading, "The Boys on the Boat," about the University of Washington crew team that won the Olympic gold medal in the 1936 Olympics. It looks fantastic, and as soon as I mow through the 20+ books on my reading list, I will check it out from the library.

After our visit we drove straight to a dinner party in Arlington. The parents of Rachel's friend Dani from Hebrew school, Peter and Stacy, invited us and we had a GREAT time. The wine and after-dinner frangelico were terrific, as was the conversation. One couple once worked at the St. Petersburg Times a few years after I left, and the woman, Christine, was editor in chief of the Daily Northwestern during the mid-90s! Talk about a coincidence. The other couple -- he is from Spain, she from Colombia -- are both lawyers (although she is a stay-at-home mom now) and we got into a long discussion about the South American/European legal system compared with the United States, how law schools work over there and here, how people become judges in the United States and abroad, etc. These are the kinds of things that interest me these days...

The kids (there were 7, with two boys -- Pablo and Dash, 2) tried to put on a show and Rachel did a great job of announcing there would be one, but it kind of collapsed, with Rachel going home in tears because she was positive SHE had ruined the show. I talked briefly with Dani after Hebrew school today, and it sounds as if there were just a lot of fights among the girls -- "DRAMA!" the parents kept saying -- and so it wasn't a fun time. Poor Rachel, poor kids.

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