Saturday, January 9, 2016

Field trip!

I got to chaperone a field trip Rachel's class took to -- of all places -- the Apple Store. The kids all got T-shirts and learned to make movies on their iPads (all the kids in class have their own iPads to do their homework and use educational games -- but thank goodness they can't take them home!). Gotta admire Apple's rampant consumerist push by getting the kids to come to the store and see all the cool things they can do on their machines...

Rachel loved having me there, but she was quite sanguine when I got into a conversation with some of the other mom chaperones as the kids got back on the bus to go home. I didn't even get a chance to wave good-bye before they pulled out.

Then I went into Williams-Sonoma next door to get her an "American Girl" apron for Hanukkah (it is several sizes too big, but she'll grow into it) and headed in to work early, where The Post had a huge celebration for its last day in the old building -- the one where the Watergate stories and other legendary journalism were produced. It was quite the going-away party, and we all got to draw on the walls (the building is going to be gutted, and Fannie Mae will move in after it's rebuilt).

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