Saturday, January 9, 2016

Family in town!

The week of Dec. 19/20, we were graced with a visit from PopPop and Mammaw, in town to visit Mammaw's daughter, Sarah, who has moved to the D.C. area to take a job with the State Department. Dec. 19, a Saturday, was "Family Day" -- first, a visit to Uncle Dan's (a make-up for the planned visit the weekend before, when I couldn't because I was so sick), then a quick stop in at our neighbors, Ivy, Liam, Billy and Jenny, who had a holiday "open house" and we got to meet all their Foreign Service friends who had been on really cool assignments around the world -- and THEN we met PopPop, Mammaw, Sarah and her girlfriend for an early dinner. We all had a great time catching up; it was my first day not on Percoset, and it was so great to see everyone. Afterward we exchanged gifts and then went our separate ways.

When we got home, we opened everything -- and were floored! PopPop and Mammaw gave us a fabulous gift basket of wine and food that we are still enjoying (and a lovely old book on Jewish cookery that I am still plotting how to use recipes from to surprise Drew), and Rachel got a light-up globe. Her reaction when she opened it: "I get the BEST presents!" (as nice a compliment as she gave me when she opened up her "American Girl" apron from Williams-Sonoma, a Hanukkah gift I'd bought her: "Mommy! You really outdid yourself this year!"). She promptly took the globe to her bedroom, placed it on a corner of her desk and plugged it in. It is now her night light, and I have to say -- it IS a great gift, one that I like looking at, too. Thanks, PopPop and Mammaw! We love you!

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