Friday, December 21, 2012

Responsible Rachel

After getting herself up and dressed this morning, Rachel -- while I was getting ready for work and Drew was downstairs showering -- dragged one of the kitchen table chairs to the counter and STARTED SETTING THE TABLE FOR BREAKFAST. She got very frustrated when she couldn't reach the cereal bowls, so Drew helped her a little. He also helped her with the plates.

"I"m very proud of you, Rachel," I said. "Not only did you set the breakfast table but you did it without even me asking!"

I always want her to know how proud we are of her when she assumes responsibility.

Later she told Drew, "Because you people do so much of the work around here, I need to do more work."

Is it any wonder we love her to pieces??


We're heading to a holiday party tonight at our friend Deni's house, and Drew asked Rachel if she wanted to bring her party dress to school to change into later. She said no.

"Miriam and Deni love me no matter what I wear," she said.

True, that.

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