Thursday, December 20, 2012


Rachel is having quite the time at school these days. Yesterday she brought in chocolate covered toffee bars that I had baked for her class (the other half of the pan went to my chorus buddies for our holiday party) and they had the bars with hot chocolate for morning snack. Then last night she told me the following about Princess Luna, the unicorn my friend Amy gave her:

"Apparently Princess Luna turned into Nightmare Moon and she took all the color and light out of Ponyville. But they light sparkles got the color and shine back by putting the four limits of friendship back together and Nightmare Moon turned back into Luna. That's the end."

I have no idea what any of the above means. Probably it's a coded message on how to survive the Mayan prophecy that the end of the world is nigh...


Rachel's school had a book exchange today and she got a book about...the Easter Bunny. Sigh. She wasn't very happy.

"There was one thing about the book exchange I didn't like," Rachel said at dinner tonight.
"What?" I asked.
"I liked the book Sloane got," she said. "It was a big green book and it had lots of stories in it, even Tarzan. And I LOVE Tarzan!"
"You love Tarzan?" I said, astonished.
"Yeah," she said. "I like superheroes. They always win!"

So tempted to rent "The Avengers," but she probably isn't ready....