Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy holidays!!!

Lovely dinner tonight with Anne, David and Jean. I considered it my make-up Thanksgiving dinner, since I still feel guilty about cutting out on Turkey Day (even though everyone was understanding about my trip to Africa) and I promise that next year, the Lednicer/DeSilver Thanksgiving extravaganza will return!


Today was incredibly relaxing and stress-free even though the weather sucked. We got most of the housecleaning done last night so all we had to do was pull out the table and set it. That left me time to get a manicure, pedicure and brow wax AND finish baking the chocolate silk pie AND post two items to the blog earlier today. Drew ran out to a cheese place and came back with lovely cheese and crackers, and I put out a bunch of snacks, and all we had to was wait for Anne, David and Jean to arrive. When they got here we had a roaring fire, and we all sat around and relaxed while Drew started the roast lamb and rosemary potatoes. I even got a chance to nap while Rachel monopolized David with card games and her Pinkalicous book. It's cool how they can actually play cards together and have conversations, and I think David gets a kick out of her. Just before we sat down to dinner, he fell asleep on the loveseat, Rachel curled up in his arms and asleep, too. I turned out the light and all you could see was them snuggled up together and it was BEYOND ADORABLE.

David also gave Rachel the best gift ever: His baseball glove, with his name in faded ink. They immediately went upstairs to play and all I could hear were her shrieks of laughter. Hopefully it will help hear earn a softball scholarship to Stanford. Or Harvard!

Everyone loved the dinner, and Rachel as usual was well-behaved, until it was time to go to bed and then she whimpered, "I want Uncle AIRPLANE!" (her nickname for David).  Now she's lying on the floor next to me in her sleeping bag talking to her stuffed animal, Lady (her sleeping bag in the shape of a ladybug -- thank you again Darryl and Daniella!) and I am finishing up this post. Drew and Rachel and I are sleeping in the basement tonight while Anne, David and Jean are upstairs -- it makes more sense for everyone.

Happy holidays everyone!

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