Friday, December 14, 2012

Rachel, uncensored

"What's making you frustrated, Mommy?" Rachel asked me last night.
"How can you tell I'm frustrated?" I asked, genuinely astonished.
"Because you're talking sternly," she answered.


When Drew picked Rachel up from school earlier this week, she said, "Wouldn't it be funny if Mommy were as little as I am and she would wear my clothes and her hair was a short as mine was?"

Drew's reply: "So what you're really saying is wouldn't it be funny if Mom could be your twin sister."

Rachel: "YEAH!!"


Role reversal? This morning Rachel told me, "Now remember Mommy, you can't dye your hair pink."
"WHY?" I whined. "I love pink hair! I think I'll dye it. Thanks a lot, Rachel!"
"NO!" Rachel shrieked. "DON'T DYE YOUR HAIR!!!"

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