Saturday, December 8, 2012

Pefect Hanukkah

Can't imagine a better start to Hanukkah than today. After Drew and Rachel left for the usual Saturday round of swim lessons/ballet class/farmer's market/regular market, I tidied up from last night's mad rush of sorting and wrapping gifts for Mom/Dad, Daniella/Valerie/Darryl, folks at work, and Drew/Rachel. I am embarrassed to say that I discovered some, um, baby notifications that I apparently never sent out. So, all of you who are reading this: I had a kid four years ago. She's beautiful, smart, funny and precocious.

Then I raced all over town doing errands: the bank, mailing gifts (this will be an Africa-themed Hanukkah), returning Tupperware from a cookie-baking party two months ago, dropping clothes off at Goodwill, cleaning out my car, etc. I've decided my New Year's resolution will be to complete the de-cluttering effort I began in 2012, so by this time in 2013 we will have a clean, streamlined house and I will no longer be made anxious by the piles of stuff around me.

I got home to discover Drew had already begun the matzo ball soup. While he ran out do some errands of his own, Rachel and I Skyped with Darryl, Daniella and Valerie. Valerie is the most adorable little girl ever; she really does look like a combination of Daniella and Darryl. She and Rachel looked at each others' feet again (what IS it about little girls and feet??) and at Valerie's encouragement, both of them grabbed their mommies' fingers and started biting on them, very lightly ("Let's do the same thing to our mommies!" Valerie exclaimed at one point. Ooh, I can't even guess where that kind of thinking will eventually lead years from now). Then Rachel got out her My Little Pony game for us to play while I put in some laundry. Drew got back just as we were about to start the game, so he took over while I baked a chocolate-chip cake. Then I took a nap for 90 minutes, staggered out of the bedroom just in time to make latkes, and Drew made a roaring fire -- the first of the season -- and at Rachel's insistence, we ate in the dining room after clearing off the piles on the dining room table. It was so lovely looking at the fire in the darkened dining room while we had Hanukkah. I love having a fireplace, it's one of the best things about living in this house!

Then we opened gifts. Rachel squealed with joy when she opened Darryl and Daniella's gift -- a ladybug sleeping bag -- and a flashlight, great for camping. She literally shrieked with excitement and insisted on sleeping IN the sleeping bag. So now she is curled up in her sleeping bag, on the floor of her bedroom. This is clearest sign yet that we must take her camping this summer, so Amanda/Jenn and Anne/David/Jean...let's get something going!

Also I received a lovely sweater from Drew and Rachel and a gorgeous necklace from Mom and Dad. More presents will be opened tomorrow and throughout the week. (And we loved the card from PopPop and MawMaw with the dogs -- thank you!!). Happy Hanukkah everyone!! It's good to be home.

1 comment:

  1. How are your schedules looking for camping around the 4th of July?
