Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"What the hecko is that??"

That's Rachel's newest expression; she can only have picked it up from daycare. Very glad that Drew and I never use the expression, "what the HELL is that??" in front of her.

Jennifer, the main daycare teacher, told me this evening that Rachel and Harris say, "Happy Valentine's Day!" to each other a lot. "It doesn't really progress beyond that, but it's so cute!" Jennifer said. (Valentine's Day is a big deal, apparently -- I signed up to bring sugar cookies to class, and I also was given a list of the kids so Rachel and I can fill out Valentine's Day cards for them. I thought of bringing homemade cupcakes to daycare, too, but apparently that isn't allowed. How sad!)

"I bet she'll have a lot of suitors when she gets older," I observed.
"Yes," Jennifer laughed. "She's so nice! And friendly!"


Tonight I asked her to take some placemats out for dinner (I was grumpy because I was tired, my tummy was hurting and I hadn't been able to reach Drew on the way home, which would have been prime talking time since Rachel fell asleep).
"I setting the table ALL BY MYSELF!" she said proudly. "Yes, you ARE, Rachel!" I said. "Thank you for helping Mommy!"


Before we sat down, when we were in her bedroom, she started crying. (She had been kind of whiny when we got home, as she always is when she falls asleep in her carseat and wakes up when we pull into the garage). At first I was annoyed, but it sounded so earnest that I asked her what was wrong.
"Are you sad?" I asked.
She nodded.
"Rachel, what are you sad about?" I said, taking her into my lap and cuddling her against my chest.
"The Boy in the Giving Tree," she said.
I have no idea what she meant; maybe she was sad that he grew up, went away and came back an old man. Personally, I think it's sad that he never appreciated the sacrifices the Giving Tree made on his behalf.

Anyway, she felt better after a few minutes, got up, and we went in to dinner.

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