Thursday, February 17, 2011

Jewish summer camp

So, do any of you out there remember the hand motions that accompany the song, "David, melech Yisrael, chai, chai, yit gayum"? (please excuse the phoenetic spelling). I learned it at Y day camp -- the same day camp where Tommy, Chris and Susan Lynch went and learned how to light Shabbat candles and say the blessing.

Anyway...the song and the hand motions came back to me at the doctor's office yesterday when I tried to keep Rachel occupied before the doc came in (she was 15 minutes late, arghh...but then, we were late too because of the snow). Of course I, in a brilliant Lisa move, totally forgot to bring the diaper bag in. Which means Rachel was forced to wear a size 4 diaper because her Pull-Up was wet and I didn't have replacements on hand, and there was no food to feed her because the diaper bag was in the trunk.

She loved the song but couldn't quite get the hand motions even after I did them with her. But she kept laughing and laughing as she tapped her knees to the rhythm. I told her that when we send her to Jewish summer camp she'll have a head start over all the other kids because she'll know the song and all the hand motions.

Just as she was about to get bored, the doctor came in. Too bad, because it was the best 15 minutes of the day.

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