Sunday, February 6, 2011

Rachel's Words of Wisdom

...Someone suggested I need to write a book filled with her cute phrases:

Rachel (the other day): You smell like a mommy!
Me (laughing): Really, Rachel? What do mommies smell like?
Rachel: Like stew! Moroccan stew!


Tonight, as I hovered over her while she washed her hands and brushed her teeth after dinner:
Rachel (dismissively): I want to do it MYSELF. Go into the kitchen, Mommy.


As we were driving to school the other day:
Rachel: I go to work and YOU go to school. I drive and you sit in the car seat.

The other night, as I was worrying about the magazine I produce at work, whether I'd actually be able to make all the deadlines and silently cursing myself that I hadn't e-mailed other folks for their contributions:
Rachel: You happy? (I swear, she really senses my mood when things are amiss).
Me (unconvincingly): Yes.
Rachel: You happy??
Me: No, sweetie, I'm sad and worried.
Rachel (cheerfully): I sad and worried too! Just like you!
(I winced at that one).


And as I was getting ready to put her in her crib on Friday night:
Rachel: You go to sleep and I clean up dinner.
Me: Oh, Rachel, if only you could! I would LOVE that!

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