Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weekend Rachel-isms

Oh, there were so many and no, I didn't get a chance to write them all down. I hate that I'm not able to recall every word she says, but here is a sampling:

On the way to work Friday, Rachel wanted me to sing "Clementine." I kept putting her off because I wanted to listen to a radio interview with a guy who did a documentary on assisted suicide. Rachel had her baby doll with the pacifier with her, and she finally said, "Mommy. Baby says she wants you to sing Clementine."

I burst out laughing at her cleverness at recruiting a doll to get me to sing. So I immediately began the song. "In a cavern, in a canyon, excavating, for a mine, lived a miner a '49er and his daughter, Clementine...."


Today on the way to the Chavurah:
Rachel: I want a baby goll.
Me: A baby what?
Rachel: A baby GIRL.
Me: Why, Rachel? Why a baby girl?
Rachel: Because.
Me: Because why?
Rachel: Because.
Me: Because why?
Rachel: Because they're small. And warm. And pacifiers.


Last night after we all finished dinner, Rachel said in that high, sweet voice of hers: "Thank you for setting the table, Mommy! Thank you for making dinner!"


Richard, after I'd served everyone the gingergread:
"Your mom's a good cook!" he told Rachel.
Rachel: Mommy, you're a good cook!


This morning as I was finishing reading Rachel a book:
Me: Rachel, I don't ever want you to go away.
Rachel(making a little panicked noise): Mommy, don't go away!
Me: I'm not going away, sweetie! I'll be here for a very long time!
Rachel: I need you!


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