Thursday, February 24, 2011

Rachel malapropisms

Yesterday at daycare, Teacher Jennifer gave Rachel some Wheat Thins, which she mispronounced as "weekends."

"I want some more weekends!" she insisted at one point, and Jennifer and I agreed that, oh, honey, wouldn't we all.


Also last night, Rachel refused to get a bib from her bedroom because I had planned to make chicken and noodles.

"I don't WANT a bib!" she said.
"Why?" I answered.
"'Cuz I'm not eating BABY FOOD!'" she answered indignantly. Guess that is a new rule in our house -- bibs only get worn when baby food is served.


Rachel started chanting last night something they taught her at school: "Three little monkeys jumpin' on the bed/One fell down and hit his head/Mama call the doctor and the doctor said/No more monkeys jumpin' on the bed!" I can't possibly do her little voice justice with this post; you just have to imagine it.


This morning on the way to school she announced she wanted to switch roles.
"I Mommy!" she said. "You Rachel!"
"OK, honey," I said.
"I go to work," she said. "I drive. You sit in the back. I drop you off at school."
"What will you do at Mommy's work?" I asked.
"Push buttons on the computer."
"Then what?"
"Go in there," she said, pointing to a parking garage we were driving past.
"Then what?"
"Go to sleep," she said.
"Um, how will Mommy's work get done?" I asked.
She didn't have an answer for that one.

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