Monday, November 15, 2010

She broke my phone...

while talking to Daddy tonight, so I'll need to take oh, 2 hours out of my day tomorrow that I don't have to buy a Droid. Oh, well, I had planned to buy a Smartphone anyway, just not this soon.

This morning while I was getting her dressed, Rachel peered into the basket where I keep her pants and said, "Let's try something different," and reached in for a pair of tights she had never worn before.

Astonished at her vocabulary, I said, "Rachel, did you really say 'let's try something different?'"

When I put on the tights - wonderful, Dr. Seuss-y striped ones -- she said approvingly, "these look good."


On the way home tonight, after I fed her a bunch of apple slices, she handed the apple back to me. "Want a piece, Mommy?"
"No thanks, Rachel," I said. "But thank you for offering."


She is already working on the "sloppy speech" issue. From the backseat I heard her practicing saying, "I cahn't. I cahn't. I cahn't." Now she sounds like a Boston Brahmin, circa 1958.

I think she sneaks out of her crib at night to read what I'm saying about her on this blog.

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