Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Farmer in the Dell

It's Rachel's favorite song these days. (What the heck is a "dell," anyway?). Last night we had the most delightful time at dinner as she sang the phrases she knows:

The farmer in the dell (2x)
High ho, the dairy-o,
the farmer in the dell

The farmer plants the corn (2x)
The farmer plows the field (2x)
The farmer takes a wife (2x) (Rachel prefers that the farmer take the wife before all the work starts, possibly because she knows he needs help!)
The cheese stands alone (2x) (my add)

This is a song that Rachel sings on the her own, without asking me to sing it first. So after she sang all the usual phrases she said, "what's next?" She wanted more words. So, I improvised...I threw out phrases and she immediately turned them into music!

We came up with:
The horse eats the grass
The sheep gives the wool
The cow gives her milk
The chicken lays her eggs

..and if anyone out there has any more farmlike phrases you want to share, jump right in!

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