Friday, November 5, 2010

"Don't even THINK about it!"

That's what Rachel said when she spilled her cup of water at dinner tonight. I hid my exasperation (really, I should be grateful she's not a klutz like my husband:)) and hurried over with a paper towel, reassuring her that "it's all right, Rachel, no big deal, we can just wipe it up."

Then I got back to what I was doing in the kitchen, only to hear her play-acting: "Don't spill, wadee! Don't even THINK about it!"

Like I said in a previous post, I have never used this expression around her, so I can only guess it comes from daycare.


Tonight on the way home, Rachel as usual asked for "Rise and Shine." Because I've sung it again and again and again and again until death do us part...oops, sorry to be an annoyed Mommy here....I've now started to expect Rachel to finish some phrases. Like, I'll sing, "The Lord said to Noah, you better build an...." and expect her to fill in the words "arky arky" which she usually does willingly in the morning.

When I didn't finish the phrase tonight I said, "Rachel!"

"I'm drinking right now," she said, a bit dismissively. Really, who am I to tell her to interrupt her water-drinking to help Mommy out with a song?

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