Sunday, November 28, 2010

Blue Sunday

Drew left early this morning -- the shuttle picked him up at 4:15 a.m., and I woke with a start at 3:45 a.m. (he was clomping around in his heavy boots) and got to the kitchen just to see the van pulling away. I went back to bed and it was a long, long time before I could get back to sleep. Result: I didn't wake up until 9:15 and poor Rachel didn't get up (i.e., I didn't get her out of her crib) until 10:15 a.m. Bad Mommy!

She glanced at me when I walked in and said, "where's Daddy?" and when I told her "he's in New York, sweetie," she pitched a fit, crying and yelling, and I had to cuddle her for a while to calm down. After that she was fine -- she toddled into the kitchen, picked up the box of Raisin Bran from the counter and handed it to me. (I swear this kid is gonna be making her own breakfast within the year). We had a nice meal and then my former colleague from the Oregonian, Janet Goetze, stopped by with gluten-free pumpkin pie. (I have a theory about pumpkin pie. I believe the same pie is making its way around the city as people grab the last few pieces of their Thanksgiving feast as a bid for hospitality when they visit during the holidays). Janet is a grandma and so she just let Rachel play around and occasionally interrupt us while we talked.

At 12:30 I bid goodbye and then got Rachel's diaper bag and clothing together. Then we hopped into the car and drove to West Linn to visit our friends John, Jo-Ann, Steve and Patt. More later...

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