Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The things Rachel notices...

While we were getting our Mommy-daughter mani/pedis on Saturday, Rachel turned to me suddenly and said, "I'm glad you don't competition with me."

"Do you mean, you're glad I don't compete with you?"

"Yes," she said, "like some kids do with their moms."

"Really?" I asked, stunned.

"Yeah," she said. "That mom was asking her daughter, "Are you SURE you want your hands AND your feet?"

It was a very sophisticated comment about something that clearly was not about competition, but I was astonished, nevertheless, because she has no idea how pervasive that issue really is. And the fact that she notices I don't compete with her -- and hopefully will keep that feeling when she's into her teens and the first blush of her beauty while I will be entering old age -- made my weekend.

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