Thursday, July 23, 2015

Rachel Comment of the Day

This morning, Rachel started telling me about "Helen" as in, "Helen of Troy." She is reading about her as part of this "Goddess Girls" series for kids, about all the Greek goddesses. (I'm trying not to get annoyed that the assumption is that the only way kids can care about Greek myths is to dumb them down and give them sex appeal, but...harumpphhh.)

"Would you like me to read to you tonight about the Trojan War?" I asked, and Rachel's eyes lit up. "Yes!!!" she said.

So tonight, after we got home from her swim lesson (more on that later), she remarked that she misses me reading to her. I had thought that she preferred reading on her own, so it was a pleasant surprise to hear that she still wants Mommy to read aloud. We snuggled in together, and I picked up Edith Hamilton's Greek Myths and began reading the prologue, all about Paris, whose unwise wish was to have the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen, etc. Rachel did a great job following along, keeping up with all the twists and turns and characters. Hamilton's version of myths is denser that I remembered; we're not even close to being toward the end of the war, but I did read some battle scenes tonight, which led to this immortal comment from Rachel:

"I don't mean to sound like a boy, but I LOVE the middle of wars! It's so exciting!"

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