Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Museum day!

On Sunday, we all had breakfast together -- actually, Drew made breakfast while I showered and dressed -- and then we all went to the American History museum together. Drew and his dad caught an exhibit of the history of American inventions, which I am eager to see because it sounds so interesting, but I agreed to take Rachel to "anything about the Revolution." The closest we got was a section about the military. She was most fascinated by an exhibit that featured voices of people involved or affected by the Revolution, including the first recipient of what later became known as the Purple Heart. She even remembered the guy's name -- Churchill -- when she told Drew and PopPop about it later.

At 3:30 I went in to work my usual shift, and Drew, PopPop and Rachel went to the Lost Dog Cafe near our house. They had a fine time, I heard.

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