Tuesday, July 22, 2014

She stuns me sometimes....

Tonight Rachel and I were reviewing some "Brain Quest" cards for first-graders -- they're trivia cards and knowledge questions for different grade levels -- and Rachel blew through so many of them that I'm convinced she is ready for the 2nd-grade ones, especially after she told us at dinner that she had gotten the top score in kindergarten on an end-of-the-year spelling test. (I was always great at spelling, too, and only recently began using SpellCheck at work.)

One of the Brain Quest questions was to say whether this expression was correct: "A leopard can't change its stripes." Rachel corrected it to say "spots."

"Do you know what that expression means?" I asked. Then I started to explain it thusly:
"It's like if someone said you should be..."

"Delicate!" she shrieked. YES, I answered, adding that she would answer, "a leopard can't change its spots."

 I was amazed at how quickly she grasped the concept that she can't really be something she's not. I was going to use the example of her playing video games, but she came up with a much more clever response. Again, just...amazing!

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