Monday, July 28, 2014

Odds and ends from the past week

At the pancake place yesterday, Drew was gently reinforcing the idea of multiplication and algebra to LR. Afterward, she said to me, "I think you need to tell the school system all I know."

"Do you want to skip a grade?" I asked.

She was nocommittal, probably because she didn't know what that entails. Of course she won't skip, but at the least I hope we can get her into a gifted and talented program.


On the way home the other night, Drew and BR started talking about the Chinese investors who have come to Nairobi and built a lot of infrastructure. BR said she isn't sure that they're there to make life better for Africans so much as wanting a return on their investors.

LR, from the back seat: "Are they invaders?"

Well, no, BR answered, shocked, then tried to explain the situation and added that things are looking pretty bad in Kenya -- lots of dark talk about different tribal groups fighting -- the Luo, Kikuyu, etc.

"Sounds like a mini-revolution," LR observed.

Geopolitics with Rachel DeSilver, folks.

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