Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A dinner at home

Since I work nights most of the week, I rarely get to cook dinner for everyone anymore (sigh), and the one good thing about cold weather is that I'll get to chop up vegetables and meat and throw them into a slow cooker so at least Drew and Rachel can have a hot meal when they get home. But summer meals are harder.

Today I spent the day running errands and cleaning up for our friend Rachel Jones, who is arriving by bus from NYC at 6:30 a.m. on Wednesday. I made spaghetti with cherry tomatoes tonight, with fresh basil from our rapidly expanding herb garden out back, and we all had a great time talking at dinner. At one point Rachel said, "I really like listening to your guys' conversation" about Drew's work. Rachel seemed so relaxed at dinner; at one point she left her seat and crawled into my lap to cuddle.

She asked if I would read to her tonight, which I did -- she is very into the American Girl books; this one is about a girl living in Colonial time -- and then she asked me to lie in bed with her a bit while she fell asleep. At dessert she had asked me to pick her up early from camp one day "so we can do something fun."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Play a game, or something," she answered.

I promised to do that Monday, when I have a day off. I think what she's trying to tell me is that she misses seeing Mommy during the week and wants to spend more time with me, which I am happy to do...

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