Saturday, July 12, 2014

Happy 6th birthday, darling girl

Wow, what a weekend! On Friday I got up early to make chocolate-chip pancakes to Rachel, who was kind of subdued -- it turns out she was upset by a passage she read in an American Girl book about a girl in the 1970s who wanted to form her own basketball team, and the male coach said no, and it turns out that Title IX got passed, and so the girl got to play basketball. I had quite a time explaining to Rachel what Title IX was -- so glad she won't have to go through that when she gets older. No, she'll just have to worry about getting raped in college and having to decide whether to trust the university to press charges, and then launching a career in which she'll be mommy-tracked, or mommy-track herself because of our insane culture of work, work, work all the time.

But I digress.

Anyway... Richard and I had a nice chat before he headed out to buy Rachel's gifts (a microscope, among other things -- THANKS, MAMMAW and POPPOP!!) and then I made frosting for Rachel's birthday cupcakes, showered and then met Mom and Dad for a lovely lunch at Busboys & Poets, a place I've always wanted to try. We had a great afternoon laughing and reminiscing about the past. Then I picked Rachel up from camp, swung by the party venue, raced home to get us both changed for dinner, and then all of us -- Drew, PopPop, Mom and Dad, Rachel and I -- went to Lebanese Taverna for dinner, where the staff made a fuss over her and brought her a special dessert of ice cream and baklava (which everyone ate, much to Rachel's chagrin, but Drew had ordered some chocolate ice cream forher), and then it was time to go home. We put Rachel to bed, then I finished making the cupcakes (and topped them with plastic jungle animals, and they looked so adorable that Drew and I couldn't stop exclaiming over them), Drew made a grocery and party-store list for an early Saturday morning run, and then we talked for a while and got to bed at 2 a.m. And then, on Saturday, it was...PARTY DAY!!!

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