Friday, January 6, 2012

Worried Rachel

Rachel has been asking us a lot lately if, when she does something naughty (and her naughtiness is still in the mild stage, mind you...) we still love her. This morning when Drew was hurrying her to school, she started sniffling and whimpered, "I'm in trouble."

"No you're not, sweetie," he tried to reassure her. "I just want to make sure we get to school on time for dance class."

Tonight (Thursday night) at dinner (Drew was in Seattle; he'll be going up Thursday/Friday from now on because I am auditing a class at Willamette's business school on Tuesday nights, plus I have chorus on Wednesday, so Thursday/Friday are the only days Drew can head North) Rachel said unexpectedly, "I love you, Mommy! I'll love you forever."

I thanked her profusely. Then when I started getting impatient with her slowness sipping her soup, she got pouty and teary and said, "Do you love me forever and ever?"

"Of course I do, sweetie!" I said.

"Even when I disappoint you?" she answered.

Astonished, I replied, "Of course! I will always love you!"

I hope it sticks.

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