Saturday, January 21, 2012

Friendly little girl

I've been sick (again) the last two days; my voice is almost gone, I'm tired and sniffly. In other words: Auditing a class at the business school, going to chorus rehearsals every week, freelancing on the side and, oh yeah, doing my job, is running me down. And there's not a damn thing I can do about it until May or so.

So instead of doing work on my freelance story, I spent much of the morning in bed, asleep. Drew took The Little Girl around on errands, and one of the places they went was Delphina's -- my go-to place for the breakfast scones I eat on weekends.

While Drew was at the counter, Rachel noticed a woman and a man sitting together on a bench in the bakery. Drew estimated the woman looked like she was in her late 20s.

"Oh, she looks so adorable!" the woman told Drew. Whereupon Rachel asked her, in order:

"What's YOUR name? Is that your husband? What's he eating?"

She also offered to share part of her food and some juice. The woman was clearly charmed, and as she left she looked at Rachel and sighed, "I want one!"

Drew quickly replied, "She's available for short-term rental."


Rachel was in the car and asked Drew today:

"If I do something bad, will you still love me?
"Of course, sweetie!" he said.
"Even if I drop something?"
"Of course!"
"Even if I SPILL something?"
"Of COURSE! Anger is temporary. But I will always love you."
(Drew said he wondered if she would commence to working herself up to 'if I commit mass murder, will you still love me?' but eventually she stopped.

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