Thursday, January 12, 2012

The two sides of Rachel

This is from Drew last night (I was at chorus practice):

As Drew was giving Rachel a bath, she told him she was going to wash her rubber duckies.

Drew: Do you want a few minutes to wash the duckies while I take care of some stuff?
Rachel: Yeah.
Drew, after coming back: OK, time to get out.
Rachel: I'm going to hold onto my baby duck very closely because she's wet and scared.


Drew asked Rachel to make up a story about Princess Rachel finding a monster. Rachel said she and bunch of her friends went out to fight a really, really big monster. Then they went back to the palace to have a really big snack. The snack was chocolate princess bananas (the chocolate chips were in the shape of princesses) with strawberry juice.

Rachel: I ate, like, a million snacks.
Drew: How come?
Rachel: Well, because I did most of the fighting.
Drew: That makes sense, I guess. You did most of the work so you should get most of the treats.
Rachel: Yeah. The other kids didn't do very much, so they only got to eat two.

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