Saturday, August 13, 2011

She's growing up, Part 685

Drew was all set to teach Rachel logic last night after he pointed out a fire truck passing them by on the way to school.

"Is the fire truck coming or going to the fire?" he asked Rachel.
"Coming from the fire," she answered.
"Why?" he asked.
"Because the lights aren't on," she said patiently.

Well, so much for that, Drew thought -- he had thought he'd need to explain how you could tell whether a fire truck was coming or going to a fire. Looks like she figured it out herself! "Yep, my days of being an all-knowing oracle are pretty limited now," Drew said just now. "Let's see if I can make it to kindergarten."


"Chewables, Mommy!" Rachel exclaimed today. Chewables are the fluoride vitamins she takes because this city is too shortsighted to fluoridate its water. She reminds me at breakfast that she needs to take them. We love that she is able to chew and swallow vitamins. We also love that she made it through last night WITH NO DIAPER! She asked to wear underwear to bed which we allowed her to do after extracting a promise that she wouldn't pee in her crib. (Of course if she does we'll just change her jammies and sheets; no big deal). We are weeks away from a big-girl bed. How time flies!


"Mommy, you're smaller than Daddy," Rachel said at breakfast today.
"Yes, I am," I answered evenly (although my height is a sore point; I wish I were taller so Drew couldn't make fun of me for being little!).
"You're kinda tiny," Rachel said. I protested that I'M NOT SMALL, and then she and Drew ganged up on me by insisting that I'm little, and we all collapsed into laughter and Rachel yelled, "Family hug!!!" and we all buried each other in hugs and kisses.

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