Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Back in!!!

This is a big day, folks. I FINALLY figured out how to get back into the blog. I was locked out because we switched to Google Mail at work and I can't figure out how to simultaneously manage two accounts and blah blah blah who cares? The point is, I haven't been lazy, only frustrated.

So, to catch up on The Little Girl's doings:

This morning I took her to preschool while Drew had jury duty. As I was getting her dressed, she lifted up my dress and chanted, "I see London! I see France! I see Mommy's underpants!"

"Rachel, please don't grow up!" I implored her today.

"But I need to open doors," she replied equably.

She has been very good about letting us drop her off at school without a fuss. Yesterday when Drew did the honors she said, "Look! I'm not fussing and crying!" And today she said to me, "Hug and kiss, Mommy!" and then went off to play with her little friends.


I was gone last week at a conference in Vermont, and Drew took care of Rachel the entire week. Some highlights:

Wednesday, during a phone call to me: "Mommy, when are you coming HOME??"

At preschool, to Lila's mommy: "My mommy's in Vermont the WHOLE WEEK!"

Saturday, after her swim lesson: "Mommy! I can swim ALL BY MYSELF! I was kicking and splashing!"

Sunday, as I told her I was getting on the plane: "Will you land in Portland?"

Later Sunday, to Drew: "When Mommy comes back she's not going to leave forever and ever. Nobody's going to throw my Mommy away. If they try to throw my Mommy away, they can't come to my house."

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