Saturday, August 13, 2011

A lovely Saturday

Our friend Anne came over for dinner tonight. Her visit culminated a frantic day of de-cluttering by me and Rachel's last swim lesson and a visit to the farmer's market with Drew (it's their Saturday routine; they get lunch at the market and listen to music and eat cookies together companioably. This allows me to get work done at home). Today I didn't work on any writing projects; I used the time to clean off the dining room table, which has been a war zone since before our tenants left. Drew finally moved his computer and all the rest of his work stuff downstairs to his office, where it belongs, and I cleared off the rest of the papers and filed them or threw them away. I also almost entirely cleared out my mail slot of magazines and catalogues. Bottom line: Our house looks normal now, although one of these days I want to tackle our outdated office files and Rachel's toy box, which holds toys she hasn't played with in months. To say nothing of printing all my digital photos and putting them in an album, and finally resolving whether to keep or toss my maternity clothes....

Anyway, we grilled steaks with anchovy butter spread on top; corn; salad and a berry cobbler that cooled on the counter while we ate dinner. Rachel was in a pissy mood and wanted us to read books to her outside, but Drew said no. When she started pouting, he said we are all going to eat dinner and she could join us if she wanted, but we weren't going to stay outside. She started crying a little, but we just started our dinner and she came in to join us -- and proceeded to eat STEAK!! A LOT OF IT!! (Her limited palate seems to be expanding by the day!!!) She finished her dinner quickly, asked to be excused and then proceeded to practice drawing letters on these letter cards that Drew brought back from New York (a genius gift on his part). She'd draw a letter, then run to show Anne, then Drew, then me, then start the process all over again. It was beyond adorable.

Anne always brings a gift for Rachel when she comes over; today it was a package of miniature horsies. Rachel played with them in the living room while we finished up dinner, and when it was time to go to bed she went up to Anne and said, unbidden and very nicely, "Thank you for givign me the horsies. And thank you for giving me the horsie puzzle last time." I was so impressed, and then touched when she came over to my chair and hugged me while clutching three of her stuffed animals. So what that she didn't get to bed until 10? She's a fabulous addition to a dinner party.

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