Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Day!

This post will be short, since my night was interrupted at 9:20 p.m. by a call from my friend David Jones, who informed me that Osama bin Laden is DEAD and that crowds were gathering around the White House. I couldn't help thinking back to 9-11 and the essay I wrote for the Oregonian's editorial page, and the reaction it got, and the fact that, 10 years ago, I was still a journalist. So where will I be in another 10 years? Still trying to figure out a way to get back into daily journalism?

But I digress.

Rachel and I had a wonderful time at the zoo with Julie today. We lucked into seeing one of the elephant trainers with one of the elephants, and got to watch the elephant eat, another elephant splash him/herself with water, and just watch them being, well, elephants. Rachel was enchanted and enchanting, letting Julie lift her up and hold her arond the waist while she just watched, fascinated. Yes, I got pictures and yes, I will upload them one of these days.

While we were waiting for the Zoo train, a wonderful 40-minute journey through the zoo and Forest Park (stunningly lovely on a day where the temperature reached into the high 60s with not a cloud in the sky), Rachel started singing a little song:

Little bunny Foo-foo
I don't like what you do
Scooping up the field mice
and bopping them on the head!

Now, I remember singing the EXACT SAME SONG when I was a kid, with Daniella. Our version was:

Little rabbit Foo-foo
running through the forest
scooping up the field mice
and banging them on the head!

When I tried to tell Rachel that my words were the right ones, she got indignant and insisted HER words were correct.

"WHERE did you learn that song??" I asked.
"At school," she said. Apparenly, Teacher Jolene taught it to her and to the other kids. Think I'll have a talk with her tomorrow.

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