Wednesday, May 18, 2011

This kind of makes up for the screaming tantrums I was pulling the blankets over her tonight (after we failed to find her miniature Teddy bear and Rachel showed remarkable good humor by saying, "I'll just have to make do with Bunny"):

"Thank you, Mommy. Thank you for tucking me in."


Rachel has now started asking what people's REAL names are -- Mommy (Lisa), Daddy (Drew), Grandma (Sylvie), etc.

Today on the way home from work and school, apropos of nothing, she announced:

"Sylvie. That's a great name."


Yesterday Rachel asked me to sing Clementine for the 3,897th time (well, it feels like that, anyway!)

"Mommy, you have a great voice!" she said encouragingly.

That's enough incentive to get me back to chorus as soon as Drew gets home!

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