Saturday, April 30, 2011

Potty training

Folks, I believe we are well on our way. Today Rachel pooped AND peed into the potty at home AND asked to use the potty at Steve and Suzanne's house (to be fair, she did so only after Lila asked to) and her Pull-Up was largely dry for most of the day. Rachel has started to say, "I'm a big girl! I'm a big girl!" and rarely refers to herself as a baby or even a toddler anymore.

I have tried to signal that we are in a new phase of her development by refusing to buy more diapers and instead use Pull-Ups all the time. The idea being to get her into underwear first, then Pull-Ups at night, and then eventually abandon the Pull-Ups altogether when she can get in and out of her (future) toddler bed, go to the bathroom at night, and then return to bed without waking either of us.

This can only happen, of course, when she's tall enough to open her bedroom door.

I've told Rachel that if she has a dry Pull-Up for two weeks straight then we can buy her UNDERWEAR. Whatever color and design she wants, as far as I'm concerned. I will be so happy not to have to lug the damn diaper bag wherever we go. No more being a snack Sherpa! I can almost taste that happy day....

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