Monday, January 31, 2011

More timeouts

Rachel seems to think that whenever she spills or drops something, it's not her fault. It's the fault of the inanimate object that spilled or dropped. (Wonder if I need to start correcting her on this?). She gives the objects a hearty scolding, which usually consists of, "no NO, chair!" "No NO, applesauce!" etc.

Tonight she got mad at a measuring cup after she spilled some water she was trying to pour into it.

"No NO cup!" she said. "You BAD! I take you into my room for a TIMEOUT!"
"Um, how long are you going to give the cup a timeout, Rachel?" I asked.
"Two hours and three hours," she said.
"That seems like an awful long time for a timeout, sweetie," I said. "Are you sure you want to do that?"
"Yes!" she said firmly.

Heaven help us if she becomes a circuit court judge.

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