Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Please forgive me, folks...the time got away from me, what with Molly here and then me getting really, really ill on New Year's Eve and spending much of New Year's Day in bed. I'll try to catch you up:

Molly graciously offered to babysit Rachel while Drew and I took a quick jaunt to the Oregon coast. We stayed in a lovely place called the Arch Cape Inn, saw "True Grit" and took a long walk on the beach in gorgeous, sunny (but cold) weather. Unfortunately Drew had a terrible cold the whole time, meaning neither of us slept well, but we had a good time anyway. And we even managed to not talk about TLG. Much.

When we got home we discovered that Molly had turned into Mary Poppins. Seriously! She got Rachel to wear Pull-Ups instead of diapers, got her to wear skirts and leggings and took her to Goodwill, which apparently Rachel absolutely loved. Molly bought her some play jewelry, a jewelry box, a skirt or two...I've lost track. And, she also cleaned out our refrigerator. "You have food that's been in here since Rachel was an INFANT," said Molly, shaking her head. And she was right, it was very embarrassing. Anyway, we have a refreshed-looking refrigrerator and a toddler who is inching closer and closer to little-girlhood every day. (Today Drew said, "sometimes it feels as if Rachel is halfway between 6 months and age 12!" and it's true).

For New Year's, I was all set to make an elaborate roast duck dish, but then discovered, while Drew and Rachel were napping, that we had no mustard (Molly had gone out for a while to take a walk) and so decided to chuck the whole thing and order Thai food (I had already make the pumpkin-cocoa cake I had make for Thanksgiving). Luckily Drew came to the rescue by finding a simpler duck recipe, one which did not involve ruby Port and crushed garlic (what was I THINKING?) and we proceeded with the duck, sweet potato gratin and green beans with lemon vinaigrette. And the cake. We were joined by Angela, our favorite babysitter -- did I mention that all our other guests had cancelled on us for one reason or another? -- and had a great time. Drew put Rachel to bed and built us a fire; Angela went home at 11 or so and Molly and I fell asleep by the fire while Drew cleaned up. That was the point at which I started feeling nauseous.

The next day, yesterday, I spent much of the time shuttling between bedroom and bathroom (I'll spare you the details except that all I could manage to eat was a cup of yogurt, half a plate of couscous, a can of ginger ale and a cup of applesauce). Molly's ex-husband dropped the kids off in the morning for the ride to the airport, which was delayed for two hours because Molly's plane was delayed. So poor Drew and Molly had to manage all the kids while I rested. All I can say is, thank goodness this happened when Drew was here and not while he was at Columbia (although he said he would have talked me out of making such an elaborate New Year's dinner).

Today I am feeling much better and we are awaiting the arrival of Steve, Suzanne and their daughter, Lila, who loves Rachel. They are about the same age and are so cute when they're together -- running, screeching with laughter, hugging and kissing each other goodbye. I will try to remember to take pictures and send them along.

Cute Rachel-isms of the past few days:

--Rachel (looking at a picture of Drew and me in Argentina): "That's Mommy in a fancy dress!"

--Drew was holding Rachel when she said she had an owie. On her leg, she told Drew. "I need an icee!" she complained (icees are frozen soothies at daycare that the attendants give to kids when they get injured).
"How did you get an owie?" Drew asked.
"Alex," she said.
"Is Alex a boy at school?" Drew asked.
"Alexander Graham Bell," she replied, clear as...well, a phone call to Europe!

--Her newest expression: "Holy moly guacamole!" (She got that from Drew. Next up: Latin declensions??)

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