Saturday, January 22, 2011

The f-word

I should have expected this, but I was shocked this morning when Rachel said casually, "f----ng bacon" at breakfast. She wasn't mad or frustrated, she just linked the two together. The offhand manner in which she said it took my breath.

"WHAT did you say, Rachel?" I asked, unsure if I'd heard her correctly.
"F----ng bacon," she said again.

"NO, Rachel," I said sternly. "That's a bad word. Don't EVER say that!"

She burst into tears and I had to take her in my lap and let her eat the rest of her bacon before she calmed down.

Later, in the car on the way back from a playdate at my friend Nikole's house, she used the f-word again.

"NO, Rachel," I said sternly. She began snuffling a little and said, "Mommy can say it."

"NO, Mommy can't say it," I said. "Daddy can't say it. Rachel can't say it. It's a BAD WORD."

I'm very disturbed about this. They certainly don't curse at daycare, and Drew and I have been very careful not to use curse words around the house.

Later, while trying to get to something on my Smartphone, I said, "damn," very softly.

"Don't SAY that, Mommy," Rachel said. "That's bad word."

Touche, kid. You're one smart cookie.

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