Tuesday, January 4, 2011

"I have a Mommy AND a Daddy!"

That's what Rachel has taken to saying lately, poor thing. Drew thinks it's to reassure herself that she has not only Mommy, but DADDY to love and take care of her. This was a bit on display when Suzanne, Steve and Lila visited on Sunday. Of course it was hilarious watching the girls together -- they ran through the house, slamming doors (unintentionally, I'm sure) and screaming with laughter and fake panic when they discovered the rooms they were in were DARK. Then they decided it would be tremendous fun to climb all over Drew, and then he and Steve gave the girls piggyback rides, and then the daddies switched kids...I'll try to get a picture up sometime soon.

During dinner Lila said, "MY daddy's in the dining room!"
To which Rachel replied, "MY daddy's in the kitchen!"
Then Lila answered, "MY daddy's in the kitchen!"
And Rachel said, "MY daddy's in the dining room!"
It was very funny to listen to them echoing each other. They really have a lot of fun together, and although Suzanne is expecting a second girl at the beginning of February, I secured another playdate with her and Lila the last weekend of January -- unless the baby decides to come early, of course.


Yesterday I worked a half-day in the morning while Drew took Rachel to school. He had just pulled off the highway when she decided to throw up all over her jacket, her pants, her car seat...and I told Drew that this has never happened to me, so I can't really complain anymore that I do ALL the driving of Rachel EVERY DAY, because at least I haven't had to deal with throwup. Yet.

Slightly disturbing to me was the fact that she kept sobbing and sobbing with fear that Drew would be mad at her for throwing up. Quite the contrary -- he kept reassuring and reassuring her that it's OK to throw up, that even mommies and daddies throw up, that he wasn't mad, etc. It took her a while to calm down.

She has complained for the last few days that "my tummy hurts!" so I guess we should have listened to her, but there's not much we can do. We can't give her Tums or Pepto-Bismol, so I hope whatever it is that's ailing her speeds away soon.

The ride home was better, Drew said -- she played with Play-Doh in the back seat and even made up a SONG about Play-Doh: "Play-Doh, Play-Doh, Play-Doh, Play-Doh" which sounds adorable when you hear it. When she got back home, she informed me she had made a worm out of the stuff, and then she called me over to the table: "Look, Mommy, I made a skateboard for you!" she said. And it looked like a skateboard! A very small one, but still...

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