Friday, October 29, 2010

Morning drive time with Rachel

Talk radio cannot be as amusing as listening to my daughter. A sample from today:

"I have animals in my backyard. Brown, orange, yeyo."
"Really, Rachel? What animals?"
"What else?"
"A pig!"
"What else?"


"Daddy no like kitties and doggies. Open the car door, Mommy. What happened with my keys, Mommy?"


"I want Daddy pick me up. I want Daddy go for walk in car. Daddy go for walk with my bike?"
"Daddy, you in my mitten? Daddy? Daddy? Daddy?"
"Here you go, Daddy," (handing a pretend Drew the removable soles of what she calls her 'fancy shoes," -- black with Velcro straps with a flower motif) "Take these, Daddy!"

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