Thursday, October 7, 2010


Today as we were driving to Salem, I remarked that "Mommy has a big purse."
"I have a purse, too," Rachel said.
"Really, Rachel?" I asked. "Is it big or little?"
"Little," she said.
"What's in your purse?" I said.
Her response: (garbled) and then, "Makeup!"
"Makeup?" I asked, astonished. (I carry none in my own purse -- I put on the works in the morning, then let it fade throughout the day until when I pick Rachel up and it looks like I have on no makeup at all)
"Makeup!" she said.

I'm beginning to think she has a secret life away from Mommy and I have no clue what goes on there.


As we got home tonight, I noted that she had made a mess in the backseat. (Really, it wasn't as bad as usual). Then she started yelling and screaming, "I MAKE BIG MESS!" "Please STOP it, Rachel," I insisted. "Don't scream. You're hurting Mommy's ears."

"I sorry, Mommy," she replied. "I soft voice."


We were at dinner and she insisted I try some of her apple butternut squash, the stuff that comes in baby jars and even she refers to as "baby food," which is very distressing but I can't seem to wean her off it.
"No thank you," I said politely.
"Try some!" she insisted.
"No thank you, it's for Rachel," I replied.
"Try some," she said.
"No, Rachel."
"Try some!" she persisted. "It tastes good!"
"NO, RACHEL," I snapped. "I don't WANT any!"
She immediately started crying and I thought of how awful I must have sounded and how bad she must have felt that I rejected her heartfelt offer of sharing food.

I waited a bit, then pulled my chair next to hers and plunked her on my lap.

"Rachel, sweetie, it was so nice of you to offer Mommy food," I said. "But when Mommy says no, she really means no."

She sniffled a bit and then asked for Mommy books.

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