Thursday, October 21, 2010

Magical bike

A while ago my pediatrician gave me a book called, "The Magical Years" that explains the thinking of toddlers. Basically, toddlers believe that they have complete power over their dominions -- that if they're hungry, food magically appears, etc. Or something like that. Anyway, an incident today probably convinced Rachel that she, too, has magical powers.

I was at a securities regulation conference in Portland, and Rachel spent the day with Constance. One of the things they did was take a walk. Constance asked Rachel if she had a bike. Rachel said no, but that she wanted one that was pink.

Lo and behold, they walked a little further and -- guess what appeared? A perfect, toddler-sized pinky-purplish tricycle! Attached to it was a sign saying "FREE." So, naturally, Constance snatched it up and they pedaled back home. (Rachel clambered onto the seat all by herself and Constance pushed from behind. "She's so smart that she'll figure out how to use the pedals in no time!" Constance said).

I had kind of a depressing day, so the news that Rachel now has a free tricycle that should last her until age 3 or 4 was very welcome news. Now all I need to do is take her to the bike store this weekend to buy a helmet, and when it stops raining we can start taking her for bike rides. Yay!

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