Sunday, December 6, 2009

More milestones

They're little, but significant. A sampling, just from today:

--She took off her zippered hoodie. Yes, it was unzipped, but the fact that she managed to shrug her way out of it was, to me, amazing.

--At lunch, after I fed her a cheese stick, she reached for the wrapping. Then she tried to open the garbage can; her booster seat is about level with it. When I opened it for her, she dropped the wrapping inside.

--She built a very high tower out of her Lego blocks.

--I was looking all over for my glasses -- scrabbling under the cushions of the leather couch, peering under the pillows, on the floor, starting to grumble about how was I supposed to find my glasses if I couldn't see anything? -- and said absent-mindedly, "Rachel, have you seen my glasses?" She reached over to the end table and handed them to me. "Uh, thank you honey," I said, astonished.

--Rachel likes to mess around with my cell phone a lot, and has somehow discovered how to get on the Internet and find the way to entering contact information for frequently-called numbers. She found the key to entering contact information; I entered Drew's numbers, then asked her if she could pull up the same list again so I could enter a friend's number. On the second try, she did.

--She grabbed at my sport watch; I took it off and she threw it on the floor. "Rachel, don't throw Mommy's watch," I said. "Please give my watch back to me." She scrunched over a bit, retrieved it, and handed it back.

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