Thursday, December 10, 2009

Helpful Rachel, Part III

Drew spilled something on the kitchen floor last night while I was out shopping for Hanukkah gifts (Tia Daniella, Jojo & Valerie: Yours will arrive next week. Promise!). He said that while he was cleaning up, Rachel reached down, picked up a crumb and handed it to him, as if she was trying to help out! He thanked her profusely.

I read a story in the Science section of the NY Times a couple of weeks ago that said kids as young as 18 months old will help a grownup they think is in distress or need assistance. Apparently, kids may be born with an "empathy gene"! Isn't that great? I hope that, with Rachel, it never gets squashed by the selfishness gene.

She seems to have developed a cadre of boyfriends at daycare. A few weeks ago, she tried to hold the hand of Declan. A few days ago, her daily report said she enjoyed spending time in the playhouse "with Ryan at her side."

Drew was none too happy. "She can date when I'm dead," he says.

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