Saturday, December 19, 2009

Breakthrough #467

No more lifting Rachel into the car seat. She toddles to the car, tries to climb in (and gets frustrated because she can't quite do it). Then I give her a little boost, she climbs into the car seat, settles herself in and waits to be buckled up.

"She's growing up too fast," I told Drew yesterday morning.

"She will get bigger, you know," he answered.

"Well, I'd like her to do a couple more things on her own -- go to the bathroom and feed herself," I said. "And then I just want her to stay where she is."

Those of you who remember how insane I was in her first few weeks of life -- insane enough to believe that she would never, ever get bigger -- know how astonishing this conversation is.

And yes, I would like another baby. But we would stop at two. I think.

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