Sunday, November 1, 2009

Winter's on the way....

...because today was the end of Daylight Savings Time. I was worried that Rachel would decide to wake up early since we set our clocks back, but no...she slept until 8:30! I played with her a bit this morning while Drew slept in, showered and made us breakfast. Then he took The Little Girl grocery shopping while I baked chocolate-chip banana bread. It's one of four breads I offered as part of the St. James spring carnival/auction and someone actually bid on it! The next three breads will be gingerbread, pumpkin bread and orange bread. Drew is very jealous, so I'm trying to make it up tonight -- I'm making turkey thighs with mashed potatoes and a beef barley stew that we both love. We won't have to cook at ALL this week -- too many leftovers!

We took Rachel to Laurelhurst Park today, a lovely park that we don't visit that often. She had a fun time on the play structure, then we visited the dog run. We played a little game with Drew holding her hands as she walked toward me, and I walked backward. So she had to catch up!

As I was watching her walk toward me in her little pink coat with multicolored buttons I stared hard at her, trying to remember every feature of her face and what it felt like to watch her walk toward me. I'm hoping the memory lasts with me when she's old enough to walk on her own and, in fact, will no longer want to spend weekends with her parents taking walks through the park.

She took one perfect step on her own this morning. Then she thought better of it and resumed crawling.


  1. 8:30am - wow! Andrew was up at 5:30am sharp Monday morning. But since he has school it wasn't too terrible. He was up, fed and ready to go with plenty of time to play before he had to catch the bus.

  2. 5:30! Ugh. I'm hoping the move to Toddler 1 doesn't wreck her sleep schedule. It's really nice to be able to sleep in a bit on Sundays. Even if Rachel didn't wake up at 8:30, I can't really sleep late anymore. No matter what I've done the previous day, my internal alarm is permanently set to 7:30 or 8 a.m. Sigh. Drew and I were reminiscing the other day that pre-TLG (The Little Girl), we often slept in until 9:30 a.m., spent all morning reading the Sunday paper and didn't really get moving until 2 p.m. It makes me wonder what I did with all the time I had before Rachel came along. I could have written a novel, started 2 or 3 home-based businesses....

  3. LOL!! You are so correct. We widdling that time away on what, who knows but it was nice. But it's a different nice with kids. I used to NEVER be able to get up early without an alarm clock, that was before kids. Now it's sleeping in if I sleep until 7am (and honestly I don't like when Doug let's me sleep until 7am because I feel rushed). One thing I realized, even though I liked different sleep schedules with Andrew, each change was not really for the worse, even if it seemed that way at the moment. Same with Jack. In fact, it creates a lot of options now that Jack doesn't need a nap. He naps when it's just the two of us at home during the day but on the weekends he refuses to nap but that allows us to do things in the middle of the day, where before we had to schedule everything around his nap. Kids...constantly making us rethink everything we know to be right! Silly little beings :)
