Monday, November 16, 2009

Why I sometimes feel I'm a failure as a mommy

I tried to get Rachel to drink milk from a sippy cup tonight. She took one sip, wrinkled her face in complete and utter disgust, then started crying when I wouldn't take the cup from her and told her firmly, "Rachel, you need to try." Then I tried to force her to drink it, and she screamed and sobbed. I finally gave up, poured the milk into a bottle and she eagerly grabbed it.

Maybe it's the fact that I'm tired from last night, but I was really annoyed at her and angry with myself. When she started drinking from a sippy cup, why oh why didn't we just fill it up with milk and throw away the bottles? She can't drink from a bottle forever. How long is it going to take to wean her away from them? Isn't daycare supposed to be helping with this? Will she be only 4-year-old who walks around with a bottle?

I guess I'm just frustrated because she isn't walking completely yet. Tonight she kept holding up her arms, sometimes when she was sitting on the floor and sometimes when she was standing up and leaning against me. I told her NO -- she needs to walk or crawl on her own. (Preferably walk). She can do it, I've seen her, and then she just stops. I'm tired of people tellking me that I don't want her to walk because then she's harder to keep up with. I DO want her to walk because I want her to hop in and out of the car so I don't have to keep lifting her all the time. For heaven's sake, she's 16 months already!! We stopped in a bookstore tonight to buy a birthday gift for our friend Anna's 3-year-old daughter, Ruth, and I had to drag the car seat in and plant it in the children's section while I browsed. I would have loved to be able to walk into the store with Rachel next to me.

It feels as if she is stuck on 12 months and isn't moving forward.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, I completely understand your desire for this milestone to complete and I can imagine it's frustrating to see her so close but not quite doing it fully. I wanted to mention that the oldest daughter of a good friend of mine walked at 16 1/2 mo. And to hear comments from other people doesn't help. I agree, it's easier when they are walking because they can do more on their own and you don't have to worry about their hands getting dirty from the floors. It will happen very soon and when it does it will be like "bam!" she's off and running. Sometimes those who wait the longest to walk are the most adventurous once they are walking, like they gained all their confidence in the extra months they grew and developed before walking and are now ready to run with the bulls :) But I definitely understand where you are coming from with the milestones, esp when they are so close to completely mastering one.
