Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fun with Tia Daniella, Jojo & Valerie

Oh, we've been having so much fun with my sister and her family! They got in unexpectedly late last night, so all we had a chance to do was to put the girls down for bed, eat a takeout dinner of Thai food and go to sleep ourselves.

This morning Rachel started crying at 6:45 a.m., but we didn't go in an eventually she stopped. Then a bit later she stood up in her crib and looked around (we could see her from a crack in the door) and we prayed she would get herself back to sleep...and she did! End result was we got to sleep in until 8:30 or so. What a blessing!

Between naps and lunch, we didn't get out until 3 p.m. We went to Grant Park, where Valerie made a little friend, Aria, 3, who swung Valerie on the swing. Rachel, meanwhile, had made TWO little friends -- Amelia, 7, and her 4-year-old sister. They exclaimed, "OH, she's so cute!" and promptly decided to play with her. With Drew supervising, Amelia even took Rachel in her lap and slid down the steep slide with her -- the steep slide that moments before, Rachel had pitched head-forward on. It was adorable to see!

Then we got home and I started a roast chicken dinner while Rachel napped in her stroller. Daniella and Darryl got Valerie down quite early at 7, after feeding her a homemade dinner of cooked yams and spinach mashed together. Despite repated offers, Rachel declined to sample either. She stuck to her normal dinner of Gardenburger, pasta shells, and challah.

One great thing about having Daniella here is I get witnesses to Rachel's slowly emerging language skills. Today after I hung up the phone with Drew while he was out shopping, both Daniella and I swear we heard Rachel say, "where's Daddy?" And then when I told her the bread she was eating was called challah, she said, "Cha!"

After dinner we sat around eating cupcakes from Saint Cupcake, one of our favorite dessert places, and laughing. Tomorrow Drew leaves for Seattle, I take Rachel to daycare and I will spend the morning hanging out with everyone. We'll go to brunch before heading to the airport. Too bad the visit is so short but we will see them again in April for Passover.

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