Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Ten Plagues

Last night they were: poop, ants, and mold.

--The poop: I had just gotten Rachel out of the bath and was about to lay her on the changing table when I notice it was wet. Very wet. She had peed all over it at some point, probably when I took her diaper off before the bath. I couldn't hold her and change the cover of the changing table, so I set her down on the carpet. She crawled over to the floor near the door and proceeded to poop all over the hardwood. I quickly lifted her up to the changing table, whereupon the poop continued...all over the new changing table cover. And the floor in front of the table. And the corner of the carpet nearby. While I was cleaning up, Rachel got busy pulling the baby wipes out of the container. She had yanked out at least eight or so before I noticed and stopped her. Some days it feels as if I need four hands!

--The ants: Thankfully she went down to sleep pretty easily -- although she's gotten very squirmy during song time; maybe I need new songs? -- and I walked into the kitchen to clean up from dinner. That's when I noticed ants all over the Girl Scout cookie boxes, the Bisquick box, a small box of perfect little cookies I had bought at a bakery called Two Tarts...I squished all the ants I could, dumped everything they had been on into the garbage, then took the garbage bag out to the garage (2nd garbage dump of the day). Then I sprayed Raid into the corner of the counter where I had seen the ants. This morning I noticed no resurgence, so I hope they are all happy in ant martyr heaven and will no longer visit my house.

--The mold: I noticed the pastrami we have been eating for the past month or so looked a little odd, and upon closer inspection, it had turned a pale green in places. So I tossed it all. Now maybe my tummy won't hurt at odd intervals, as it has for the past few weeks.

What's next? Locusts? I'm waiting to see what hits me when I come home after work.

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