Saturday, August 29, 2009

Solicitous Rachel

When Drew tried to give Rachel some food last night and she didn't want it, she pushed it into his mouth, as if she was concerned he was giving up his food for her!

She still frustrates us by tossing food to the floor, but before she does that she usually offers it to us if she doesn't like it. We think it's her way of saying, "thank you Mommy and Daddy, but I don't care for it." If we're smart, we take it from her fingers and put it on our plates (this does not, of course, apply to jarred baby food). If we're a little slow on the uptake, she throws it to the side.

Last night while she was on the changing table, she grabbed my arm and wrapped both of her baby arms around it, as if she was trying to give me a hug! She has done that with Drew before, but not with me.

I came into work an hour early today (6 a.m. instead of 7 a.m.) to help with coverage of a forest fire in the Columbia River Gorge. I am very tired and eager to go home in less than an hour.

Drew reports that he is having a great day with Rachel, that they're "eating our way through the Farmers Market." (i.e., she's eating all the fruit samples he keeps handing her). He's a little worried that she hasn't napped yet. I'm hoping she takes a nice, long one this afternoon so she's not cranky tonight.

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