Sunday, August 16, 2009

Exciting developments...

--I took Rachel up to the attic to play this morning while Drew slept. (This is our Sunday morning routine; since I'm gone every Saturday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., my gift to Drew on Sunday mornings is to let him sleep in a bit. Then he staggers into the kitchen and makes a fabulous breakfast. Love the smell of bacon wafting up the stairs). I was at one end of the attic, tossing a ball to her, when she said what sounded like, "play"! Could this be her first word??

--She stood by herself for at least 6 seconds today, after leaning on my hip for balance. It's clear she's getting more and more comfortable with this walking thing.

--On Friday, after Drew finished changing Rachel's diaper, she grasped his arm and put her lips to it -- several times. Drew said it felt as if she was trying to give him a kiss! Is she really ready to kiss us back?

--She ate part of a hard-boiled egg this morning. And Rice Krispies! She's still not quite self-feeding yet, although she continues to try to guide the spoon with her hands...

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